The best water in the world right from your home tap! Aroma Thyme Bistro now sells Juniper Water Ionizers. These are the same machines the Robert Young sells. Robert Young is the authors of several of my favorite books on diet and nutrition. Look for his pH Miracle books today and change your life.
Call Marcus at 845-647-3000 for info & pricing.
Here are the benefits of Alkaline Water:
• Like drinking a glass of anti-oxidants. Ionized/Alkalized/Oxygenated/Super-Hydrating (fine-filtered) water delivers a massive amount of negatively charged electrons, to cling to & neutralize the free-radicals causing daily damage & progressive aging within your body. (Free radicals are constantly bombarding us - from poor diet, stress, pollution, chemicals, medications, etc.)
• In today’s world, everybody is too acidic, and needs to alkalize. All the “diseases of aging” – from cancer, to chronic fatigue, to the skin losing elasticity – occur & snowball within an acidic body. Ionized water restores alkalinity and flushes acidic toxins from the body, leaving the blood sparkling clean & able to transport critical nutrients to the cells.
• Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Acidic blood is filled with yeasts, molds, bacteria, and the prolific wastes they produce. Alkaline blood is clean & clear – nothing there but your healthy cells. Water from the ionizer filter is 100’s of times more alkaline than even the freshest spring water. (1000’s of times more so than tap or bottled water.)
• Excess body weight naturally peels off as acids are released from the body. The brain begins to sparkle and the body is able to heal problem conditions.
• Cells deficient in oxygen start to turn cancerous. (German biochemist Dr. Warback won the Nobel prize for proving this theory.) Ionized water delivers twice as much oxygen to your cells as tap or bottled water. Think of the jogger vs. the couch potato – this water is bringing your cells a flood of fresh oxygen just by drinking a glass.
• Smaller molecule size makes water up to 6x more absorbable – “wetter water” easily penetrates your cells, bringing a continual flood of hydration & renewal. The turnover of “fresh water in & waste out” becomes constant. Cells begin to work at peak performance. Foggy thinking, joint pain, constipation & digestive issues begin to clear. Takes your body from a stagnant “polluted lake” to one that is sparkling & “fed by glacial streams”.
• Superior water filtration options (including super-fine filtration used at the level of dialysis). Customizable filtration according to one’s unique water properties.
• Far-infrared technology/tourmaline supercharges & purifies the water.
• Settings on machine to produce acid water for outside the body. Acidic water sterilizes: wounds, the kitchen counter, fruits/vegetables before preparing, one’s garden from plant diseases, etc. Amazing testimonials regarding skin conditions & wound healing.
• Emco-Tech (also marketed under Jupiter Science) produces the most advanced cutting-edge ionizers on the market. Largest, oldest, top producer of ionizers worldwide, marketing to 30 countries – have been producing ionizers for 20+ yrs. After originally manufacturing medical equipment, began focusing exclusively on ionizers, helping explode the market world-wide. ISO 9001 & 14001 (GREEN) certified factory dedicated solely to ionizer manufacturing.
• Proprietary ionizing cell manufactured in Japan using top-grade titanium & platinum plated electrodes. (Japanese hospitals have used ionizers as an indispensable health tool for decades. 1 in 5 Japanese households has an ionizer.)
• Lowest return/repair rate in the industry. Full 3 yr. Warranty. Financing available. Complete and unparalleled customer support, year after year.
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More info on the water
The Best Substance We Can Possible Consume
By Bob McCauley
Without water, life could not exist. It is the most common substance found on earth. Water is also the body's most vital need. Most tap water is fine to consume as long as its properly filtered with both carbon and particulate filters.
Spring and mineral bottled water are also good choices, EXCEPT the plastic bottles leach their petro-chemicals into the water in those bottles and we burn enormous amounts of diesel fuel in order to deliver it around the globe (bad for air quality and bad for global warming too).
Purified water, reverse osmosis or distilled, should be completely avoided. It is water that has had all the minerals removed from so it is literally pure H2O. Because of its extreme purity, purified water absorbs carbon dioxide out of the air, which makes it acidic and even more aggressive at dissolving alkaline substances it comes in contact with. It turns the body acidic, leaches vital minerals and does not hydrate the body well.
The best water to drink is Ionized Water, which is produced by running normal tap water over positive (anode) and negative (cathode) electrode. This creates positive and negative ions in the water that then are separated. Thus, two different waters with opposite characteristics are created at the same time, one alkaline, the other acid.
To ionize simply means to gain or lose an electron. Essentially, the ionization process robs an electron from one molecule and donates, or transfers it to another molecule. Both alkaline and acid ionized water have extraordinary properties and benefits, however, their respective uses could not be more different. We drink alkaline water and use the acid water on the outside of our bodies as well as for many other purposes. Ionized water has a beneficial effect on everything it comes in contact with as long as it is used properly.
Powerful Antioxidant- The centerpiece of ionized water is its antioxidant properties. It is miraculous that normal tap water can be instantly transformed into a strong antioxidant water. Ionized Water has two antioxidant qualities, its negative charge and the presence of hydroxyl ions which are free radical scavengers.
All liquids have an Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), which is the millivoltage (mV), vibration or frequency it possesses. Rust is an example of slow oxidation, fire an example of rapid oxidation. Our bodies are somewhere in between these extremes. Only a negative ORP can reduce or negate oxidation. Strong Alkaline Ionized Water has an ORP of -150 mV to -350 mV. Thus, we counteract the aging process by consuming a negatively charged substance, which dampens the positive ORP of our oxidizing body.
Increased Oxygen and Free Radical Scavenger- The body is starved for electrons and Alkaline Ionized Water contains an abundance of them, which nullify free radicals in the body. Ionized Water is an extremely effective antioxidant because it is a liquid with a small grouping of water molecule clusters and thus is more easily absorbed into the body where it can be of immediate use.
Drinking Ionized Water gives you energy- Once the extra electrons are donated to free radicals in the body, what is left are two stabilized oxygen molecules, thus providing the body with more oxygen. Oxygen is a nutrient the body desperately needs. It makes us alert and invigorated. It carries vital nutrients around the body. For someone with cancer, the high oxygen level provided by Ionized Water is particularly helpful since oxygen destroys cancer cells.
Balances body fluid pH- Because of the predominance of hydroxyl ions in Ionized Water, the water becomes alkaline, meaning it has a high pH. The pH level can be adjusted with a water ionizer between 7 and 10.
All disease thrives in an acid environment in the body and will not flourish and thrive in an alkaline environment. If we acidify our bodies through poor diet we become vulnerable to any disease that invades the body. The more acid we are the more susceptible we become to disease. As disease flourishes in the body, it begins to create a more acidic environment in order to spread further until it consumes the body. Currently, the medical establishment as a whole has not embraced the idea that body pH and disease work hand in hand.
Body alkalinity is most accurately measured through the saliva or urine. One of the keys to Great Health is keeping the body pH properly balanced and alkaline. Drinking plenty of Ionized Water will easily help achieve that.
Powerful Detoxifier and Superior Hydrator- Ionized Water is sometimes called Reduced Water or Cluster Water because of its small molecular grouping. Water molecules typically group together in clusters of 10-13. Ionized Water molecule clusters are split in half and clustered into 5-6 water molecules, thus they are reduced in size. The Ionized Water molecule cluster also has been changed from an irregular shape to a hexagonal shape that passes through and saturates body tissue much more efficiently than conventional water. It is this smaller, regular shaped cluster that is extremely penetrating and therefore hydrates everything it comes in contact with. As it hydrates body tissue, it pushes out all the things that don't belong in the body, which are commonly known as toxins. Therefore, Ionized Water is very detoxifying, which is why people who are very toxic must start drinking Ionized Water very slowly so they do not detoxify too quickly.
IN CONCLUSION: There is nothing more important for the body than water and there is no better water than Ionized Water. Water is our best defense against disease of every kind. Sixty percent or more of all chronic disease would be significantly reduced if people would simply keep themselves properly hydrated. Health is a habit, not an event and drinking water should become our first habit in our quest for great health!
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