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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Your Favorite Thai Curry?

Red, Yellow or Green, Not a Traffic Light.

These are all versions of Thai Curries. But what is your favorite. We have served all of these at Aroma Thyme. We have our YELLOW Curry Sweet Potato Soup & RED Curry Shrimp on our menu. From time to time we GREEN Curry Lamb or Scallops. But what does all these colors mean?

Green curry and red curry are easily the most popular curries, utilizing chili peppers, garlic, lemon grass, and coconut milk, among other essential herbs and spices, depending upon the region or brand. Chefs may also have their own particular variations. Green curry is made with fresh, young green chilis, and is significantly hotter than other curries. Red curry is made with bigger red chilis, which are not as hot as their green counterpart, but still packing significant heat. Green curry tends to lean toward a sweeter flavor, while red explores the savory side.

Yellow curry is highly aromatic and brightly colored due to roasted spices and an infusion of turmeric, and is typically paired with fish or poultry. The curry has a rich, bold taste, sweet with subtle hints of spices, and is effectively hot without being overpowering. Yellow curry hails from southern Thailand and is usually made with the addition of yellow peppers.

Marcus Guiliano
ARoma Thyme Bistro
Ellenville NY 12428

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We would never expect you to eat this shrimp, nor do we serve farmed Asian shrimp

One Awesome Blender